The new year often brings to mind the chance to freshen up websites and also the photography on them. A couple of things to consider for product photography:
Whilst a clean white background allows the viewer to focus on exactly what you want them to focus on, it probably won’t hold their interest for too long. As well as the clean background, look at making use of a more creative backdrop to draw in interest.
Try to make the background relevant to the brand, that way you are providing a memory aid between the product and the company. In the case of the watch photography, the watch was being photographed for UKAHT (UK Antarctic Heritage Trust) so snow came to mind. The finished photograph was a composite of a number of photographs put together to give the impression that the watch had been dropped into the snow. The background used was to enhance the watch. Care was taken to not make the background so distracting that the object no longer the key focus
With all photography, remember to think of all the options where the image may be used.
With the watch in this shoot, the image was shot and put together allowing for enough space around the product to allow for multiple crops and also to allow for the addition of text. The previous crop was square which allowed for a clear image on Instagram. Above is the full crop of the image.
Below is a banner crop which can be used to head up websites and also allow for text to be added to the side of the image.
The key point is with any kind of photography, is to not just go for the obvious, look also at the creative. Think of when and where you will use your images now and also where and when you might want to use them in the future.
If you would like to find out more about our creative product photography contact form and contact number can be found at
For UKAHT products